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The Jelly Life


Firstly, when it comes to villas: numbers, location, when and how long in advance you book is key!

What do I mean by numbers? 



The more friends + Family  staying at a villa means the more people you have to share the cost.

That said, you should always book a villa that caters to your group size if you’re working with a budget.( If not, who cares. You and Elon are buds, money aint Shiii) 


My advice to you is don’t book a 5 bedroom when it’s only 8 of you, instead maybe book a 4 bedroom. Trust me, it makes a noticeable price difference. That change could always go to something else like: Food, travel, adventuring or EVEN MORE FOOD.

Most people who have never rented a villa assume only the 0.999% can afford villas and that hotels are your best bet for a Fancy vacay, when….trust me that is far from the truth. 


Don’t get me wrong, there are some  MEGA ‘HEXPENSIVE’*(Jamaicans add ‘H’ for Hemphasis) villas when you click on AirBNB Luxe. (AirBnb Luxe is a thing?!…yes it is!) However, there are little gems like Spicy Hill villa that give you a peek into the lives of how the wealthy relax without breaking the bank and here’s how.


Little Background on Spicy Hill Villa

Spicy Hill  is a 5-Bedroom Luxury villa located in the San San region, the lush tropical Parish of Portland Jamaica.  It is approximately 2hrs 21 mins from Kingston to Portland and 4hrs from Montego Bay. 

Furthermore, it is centrally located with easy access to the San San Beach, Blue Lagoon, Winnifred Beach, Boston Jerk Centre, Reach Falls and the famous Bamboo Rafting down the Rio Grande. It is literally 1 min walk from Frenchman’s Cove.

Drone Footage: @cesarbuelto

It has private parking ,a stunning blue outdoor pool, a game room and a beautifully manicured lawn for volleyball matches or a Helicopter ride (Guests have landed there in Helis but not this guest…. At least not yet. LOL)


With all that said, let me break down how you could afford 3 Days and 2 Nights with 10 guests.


Accommodation Costs

Spicy Hill Villa charges $1,000USD per night for a max of 10 guests. If you have less than 10 guests, it is still $1,000USD per night, hence why I made the reference to *Numbers.

Therefore 3 Day and 2 Nights would cost a total of  $2,000USD on Bookings.com which converts to $309,261.89JMD. Rate of $154.63USD to $1JMD

Therefore, if you have 10 guests each guest would pay $30,926.78/$200.81 for 3 Days and 2 Nights.




Spicy Hill Villa has a staff of 3 that takes care of food, drinks etc. The hardest thing you need to do is plan the menu of your dream and have them prepare it. We created a menu in Microsoft, shared it with Chef Denny and voila DONE!

Therefore making our stay each person a total of $10,000JMD which works out to be roughly $65USD. That covered the following:

  • Breakfast 2 Days
  • Lunch 2 Days
  • Dinner 2 Days
  • Drinks
  • Snacks
  • Fruits
  • Water


Please note, all of this may vary based on how much and what type of  Alcoholic beverages you include but I believe that was a good start. However, I must recommend their pumpkin bisque and banana daiquiris. 



The staff will never request a tip but everyone from our group decided to give the Spicy Hill Staff $2,000JMD/ $13USD, because of how well they took care of us. It was like a second home, after this trip we became family. Tipping is optional but I strongly believe in showing appreciation to workers who have done an exceptional job. 

Anyone who has ever worked in Customer Service knows it can be quite daunting and the acknowledgement of their work via words or  tips goes a long way.



Calculating at the rate of $154USD

Accommodations $309,261.89 $2,008.19
Food $100,000 $649.35
Tips $20,000 $129.87
Overall  Total $429,261.89 $2,787.41
Total per Person ÷ 10 $42,926.19 $278.74


Personally I think that’s a great deal. The average total Cost of staying at an All-Inclusive hotel for 1 night is equivalent to the cost of 3 days and 2 nights at Spicy Hill Villa.

If you would like to know more or book your next luxury vacay at Spicy Hill, definitely click the photo below which will link you to their Bookings.com page.

Should I do a post ‘My Top Recommended Water Activities you have to do in Portland’? It would go hand in hand with your stay at the villa and most of them are either FREE or no more than $20USD. 


 Let me know, I hope to hear from you guys. #YuhJellyYet


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  • Tracey Payne

    May 3, 2022

    Thanks for this info Jellylife. Plenty food for thought and ideas to plan a great weekend. Spicy Hill Villa looks so beautiful and comfortable.

    Yes to the attraction ideas is Portland.

  • Chantal Gillies-Lee

    May 3, 2022

    Seems like a great deal to me!

  • Ashley Simon-Madden

    May 4, 2022

    Thanks for this breakdown Stephanie! The numbers really do make a difference. I’ve not been to a villa in a long while but I may just have to do something about that soon…


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